
This is the second lambing season for our ewes. So far, five had twins. Fortunately, all are healthy!! But one momma didn’t accept her second lamb so we have one bottle baby. We watched and hoped another momma would accept her but when that didn’t happen we intervened. The white lamb pictured here is Lavender’s sister and the little brown one is Lavender. She has been one of the most active lambs born! Maybe her momma just didn’t have enough milk for her. We might never know why she wouldn’t let her nurse but she does nose Lavender and answer her calls. Lavender stays near her momma and sister until she hears our voices and then she calls and comes running to us! When she’s done with her bottle she scurries right back to the flock. Bottle babies are extra work but we love the bond it gives us with the little lambs!

Marylouise FultonComment