A Frosty Monday

I have just discovered that Squarespace has made it very easy for me to post regularly (hopefully daily!!) here! I can take photos on my phone as I do chores and now with their app I can write and post with my phone as opposed to going inside, cleaning up and doing it on the computer!! Thank you Squarespace!!!!

Something about Mondays are particularly peaceful, provided all is as it should be in the farm yard. Any chaos and change from the weekend can fall away and it’s back to the quiet routine of me and the animals. It’s difficult to get the first foot on the floor, especially on cold mornings, but after that it all falls into place. Even in winter on the coldest, wettest days there is beauty in the fields and sky.

This morning was frosty and the sun was up well by the time Lavender, the little bottle lamb, finished her bottle and the rest of the morning chores progressed. As always Anouk is right with us when we are with the sheep. She seems to know that their lives are her first priority.

Marylouise FultonComment